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The following requirements were set for the torsinal measuring device. 

  • Measure torque up to 60 in-lbs

  • Total weight of product does not exceed 10 lbs

  • Reliable torque measurement within 2% of reading

  • Fits within 1 cubic foot

  • Cost of the project must be less than $250

  • Device must have a digital readout system



Test Limitations


The tests are limited by time and area. When it comes down to it, time is the most valuable asset that shouldn’t be wasted. With a bit more time, the testing process and calculations could have been more precise and accurate. The test themselves were limited by the ability to control the rig. With the entire lab rig, the tests could have had more input information. The test setup did not have all the temperature gauges and thermocouples that the lab rig does. With all those values, the precision and accuracy of numbers would increase. The calculations would be run multiple ways to check validity with all the extra information the lab rig gives. The data for all these tests was recorded into the blank deliverables that are shown in the deliverable section. The data was then stored into an excel spreadsheet to be manipulated and analyzed. 


Test Procedures

Calibration Test Procedures

                Time: Variable

                Place: Thermodynamics Lab

  1. Obtain calibration weights of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 grams

  2. Place load cell into load cell mount

  3. Place 100 g weight onto load cell

  4. Record readout value

  5. Compare to converted weight

  6. Repeat steps 3-6 with all weight values


Weight Test Procedures

                Time: 10-15 minutes

                Place: Foundry

  1. Disassemble project to base parts

  2. Take parts to foundry scale

  3. Weigh part

  4. Record actual weight

  5. Repeat for all parts

  6. Compare values to estimated weight values from solid works.


Interference Test Procedures

                Time: 1-2 Minutes per run

                Place: Thermodynamics Lab

  1. Make sure assembly is properly put together

  2. Hook up Digital readout and load cell

  3. Hook up water hoses

  4. Run air motor at RPM values of: 800, 900, 1000, 1100 and 1200

  5. Run motor at 800 RPM’s for about 1 minute or until numbers are steady

  6. Record the high, low, and range of measurement from load cell

  7. Repeat steps 5-6 for all RPM values



















Construction/Deconstruction Test Procedures

                Time: Variable

                Place: Senior Project Room

  1. Gather stopwatch, assembly parts, and mounting plate

  2. Begin stopwatch

  3. Assemble the device in its entirety

  4. Stop stopwatch and record assembly time

  5. Reset stopwatch

  6. Start stopwatch disassemble device

  7. Record disassembly time.

  8. Repeat steps 2-7 3 times for consistent data







































Torque Test Procedures

                Time: 1 Hour

                Place: Senior Project Room

  1. Make sure tests all tests are completed before running Final Test

  2. Make sure assembly is properly assembled

  3. Hook up water tank hoses to gear pump and compressed air source to air motor

  4. Run air motor at varying PSI’s (20, 30, and 40)

  5. Run air motor for 3 minutes at 200 RPM’s

  6. Record areas of interference in blank deliverable

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with RPM values of: 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, and 1600


Test Data

General Test Outcomes

Calibration Test
Interference Test
Weight Test
Construction/Deconstruction Test
Torque Test
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